4 Reviews
The dovetail clamps provide the connection to telescopes support plates and are useful to create support instruments like side-by-side plates (to support two telescopes in parallel on the same mount) or to allow the precise positioning of the guide rings (to adjust precisely the weight balance).
Our dovetail clamps, unlike the common ones, offer...
1 Reviews
The big dovetail clamps provide the connection to telescopes support plates and are useful to create support instruments like side-by-side plates (to support two telescopes in parallel on the same mount) or to allow the precise positioning of the guide rings (to adjust precisely the weight balance), or give the possibility to assemble the Losmandy...
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The Maxi dovetail clamps provide the connection to telescopes support plates and are useful to create support instruments like side-by-side plates (to support two telescopes in parallel on the same mount) or to allow the precise positioning of the guide rings (to adjust precisely the weight balance), or to install it on the mounts instead of the original...